New Total English Elementary - final test

2022. február 05. - efl

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1. He is from Poland. He's ....
A: Polander B: Polish C: Polonese D: Polian

2. How do you say 'Ez nekem kínaiul van" in English?

A: It's Turkish to me. B: It's Dutch to me.  C: It's French to me.  D: It's Greek to me.

3. Make a yes/no question: She is from Brazil. ---) 

A: Is she from Brazil?   B: Does she from Brazil?  C: She is from Brazil?   D: She isn't from Brazil.

4. My niece is ...

A: my mother's sister
B: my brother's son
C: my sister's daughter
D: my uncle's daughter

5. What's the time? 8:15 =

A: It's quarter nine

B: It's half past nine

C: It's quarter past nine

D: It's fifty past nine

6. Make yes/no questions:

You go to work by car. ---)

A: You go to work by car? B: Do you go to work by car? C: Is you go to work by car? Does you go to work by car?

7. How do you write this number : 42

A: fourty-two B: forty two C: forty-two D: fourteen-two

8. Make a negative sentence (Tagadj!) She drinks coffee.

A: She don't drinks coffee.  B: She no drinks coffee. C: She doesn't drinks coffeee. D: She doesn't drink coffee.

9. Which sentence is in Present Simple? (Melyik egyszerű jelen?)

A: I get up at about 10 am.
B: I am getting up.
C: I got up very early yesterday.
D: Have you ever been to England?

10. We use the Present Simple for daily routines and activities.

(Az egyszerű jelent napi rendszeres cselekvések és tevékenységek kifejezésésre használjuk.)
A: true      B: false

11. .............. eggs do you need to make an omelette?

A: How much     B: How many    C: How far   D: How come

12. How do you translate into English?

Van egy szék az asztal mellett.

A: The chair is behind the table.

B: There are some chairs next to the table.

C: There is a chair next to the table.

D: This is a chair next to the table.

13. Which word is not in the past simple? (Melyik nem egyszerű múlt?)

A: took   B: flew   C: caught   D: laugh

14. The book is ...

A: my   B: mine  C: her  D: hiss

15: Make a question:

She is sleeping on the sofa.

A: Does she sleeping on the sofa?

B: Is she sleep on the sofa?

C: Is she sleeping on the sofa?

D: Do she sleep on the sofa?

16: Italy is bigger .... Hungary.

A) that B) than C) then D: this

17: Have you ever ...... a white elephant?

A) see B) saw C) seen D) seed

18: How do you translate into Hungarian? I don't have to wear a suit to work.

A: Sosem viseltem öltönyt munkába.

B: Nincs meg az öltönyöm, amit munkába viselek.

C: Nem kell öltönyt viselnem munkába.

D: Nincs sem öltönyöm, sem munkám.

19: bad ---) ......, ........

A: worse, worst

B: better, best 

C: badder, baddest

D: wors, worse

20: last, but not ...

A: first

B: least

C: second

D: the end


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