Ed Sheeran - Perfect (Official Music Video)

2022. február 08. - efl


I found a love for me
Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, ...................... and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we............ in love
Not knowing what it was
I ..........  not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding ...............
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our ................... song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect ...............
Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She ................. my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my ..................
To carry love, to carry ....................... of our own
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I .................... we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your ............
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you ............... my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When I ................ you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, .................. to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she .............. perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight.


New Total English Elementary - final test

First name:











1. He is from Poland. He's ....
A: Polander B: Polish C: Polonese D: Polian

2. How do you say 'Ez nekem kínaiul van" in English?

A: It's Turkish to me. B: It's Dutch to me.  C: It's French to me.  D: It's Greek to me.

3. Make a yes/no question: She is from Brazil. ---) 

A: Is she from Brazil?   B: Does she from Brazil?  C: She is from Brazil?   D: She isn't from Brazil.

4. My niece is ...

A: my mother's sister
B: my brother's son
C: my sister's daughter
D: my uncle's daughter

5. What's the time? 8:15 =

A: It's quarter nine

B: It's half past nine

C: It's quarter past nine

D: It's fifty past nine

6. Make yes/no questions:

You go to work by car. ---)

A: You go to work by car? B: Do you go to work by car? C: Is you go to work by car? Does you go to work by car?

7. How do you write this number : 42

A: fourty-two B: forty two C: forty-two D: fourteen-two

8. Make a negative sentence (Tagadj!) She drinks coffee.

A: She don't drinks coffee.  B: She no drinks coffee. C: She doesn't drinks coffeee. D: She doesn't drink coffee.

9. Which sentence is in Present Simple? (Melyik egyszerű jelen?)

A: I get up at about 10 am.
B: I am getting up.
C: I got up very early yesterday.
D: Have you ever been to England?

10. We use the Present Simple for daily routines and activities.

(Az egyszerű jelent napi rendszeres cselekvések és tevékenységek kifejezésésre használjuk.)
A: true      B: false

11. .............. eggs do you need to make an omelette?

A: How much     B: How many    C: How far   D: How come

12. How do you translate into English?

Van egy szék az asztal mellett.

A: The chair is behind the table.

B: There are some chairs next to the table.

C: There is a chair next to the table.

D: This is a chair next to the table.

13. Which word is not in the past simple? (Melyik nem egyszerű múlt?)

A: took   B: flew   C: caught   D: laugh

14. The book is ...

A: my   B: mine  C: her  D: hiss

15: Make a question:

She is sleeping on the sofa.

A: Does she sleeping on the sofa?

B: Is she sleep on the sofa?

C: Is she sleeping on the sofa?

D: Do she sleep on the sofa?

16: Italy is bigger .... Hungary.

A) that B) than C) then D: this

17: Have you ever ...... a white elephant?

A) see B) saw C) seen D) seed

18: How do you translate into Hungarian? I don't have to wear a suit to work.

A: Sosem viseltem öltönyt munkába.

B: Nincs meg az öltönyöm, amit munkába viselek.

C: Nem kell öltönyt viselnem munkába.

D: Nincs sem öltönyöm, sem munkám.

19: bad ---) ......, ........

A: worse, worst

B: better, best 

C: badder, baddest

D: wors, worse

20: last, but not ...

A: first

B: least

C: second

D: the end


 How to test a new business idea before implementation - HatRabbitsLet's do a test – microTOOL blog

Christmas is just around the corner !!!

1: In this task you will read about Isabel, Mark and Leo and some special days: a wedding, Christmas and a birthday. Read the short texts and answer the questions then put the verbs in the correct tense in the third text:

2: The next task is a listening exercise. Listen to two people - Suzy and Tim - talking about Christmas shopping. Write down the information about 6 things they mention: coffee, Christmas shopping, Tim's sister, the Christmas market, buses and credit card.

(A hanganyag a piros LETÖLTÉS feliratva kattintva érhető el).

3. Last but not least, a short reading about Christmas:

Free Vector | Realistic christmas banner with branches and red backgroundChristmas 2021 | Christmas Holiday in India 2021


A lenti feladatok segítségével gyakorolhatjátok a két tanult jelen időt. A feladatok nehézségi sorrendben vannak.

First task: There are twenty sentences. Swipe left if the sentence is in the present continuous tende, swipe right if it's in the present simple. 

(Az első feladatban 20 mondat szerepel. Ha folyamatos "épp most/inges" jelen, húzd balra, ha egyszerű jelen, húzd jobbra.)

Follow this link:

Second task: Choose the right answer. (Válaszd ki a helyes választ):

Third task: Put the verb in the correct tense. Present Continuous or Present Simple? (Tedd az igét a megfelelő igeidőbe, folyamatos vagy egyszerű jelenbe):

Fourth task:

Fifth task:


I started my English Course For Beginners at Bonus Language School last month. Our teacher is very friendly. She is not afraid of chairs or songs.

My classmates are very nice. The best students in the Galaxy! There are 8 of us in the group - 3 men and 5 very lovely women. The nicest people in the world!

....... has short hair and buys a new book every day. He goes to THE prison regularly but he's not a criminal.

........ is a married and his wife is expecting a baby. Maybe a boy. Maybe not. I think he wants a boy. He has a lot of good questions and delicious sandwiches.

.......'s got short/long/wavy/curlystraight hair and a fishtank and she would like to go to space. She hates red cards.

........... really likes chocolate and quizzes. Everybody wants to beat her but nobody can. She is really into law.

........... is new and so she missed the best part of the course: she missed the lesson when the teacher fell off the chair. We will have to ask her some questions. Who's this girl? (We asked the questions and found out that her chiwawa has one ball!)

............. can draw very well and she is really nice so never laughs at the teacher's terrible drawings.

........... has three cats and always listens to the teacher very carefully. Because she wants to be a psychologist. She is a survivor!

........ is fond of corners, mulled wine and series. He hates questions like "How old were you in 2010?" He's a family guy.

The lessons are quite interesting! I'm fond of English. I think we have the BEST teacher in the UNIVERSE!


A megszámlálható (countable) és megszámlálhatatlan (uncountable) főnevekkel, elsősorban ételek neveivel ismerkedtünk meg.

Megállapítottuk, hogy a magyarhoz hasonlóan a 'hány' ---) HOW MANY és a 'mennyi' ---) HOW MUCH  kérdőszavakat használjuk, ha a dolgok mennyiségére kérdezünk rá:

A: Hány alma?   -----------) HOW MANY appleS?

B: Mennyi tej?    -----------) HOW MUCH milk?

Az alma megszámlálható darabra, ezért megszámlálható főnév. Az ilyen főnév elé 'a' vagy 'an' kerülhet és többes számba tehető.

an apple, two apples

I have an apple. I have two apples.

A tej nem megszámlálható, ezért a megszámlálhatatlan főnevek közé tartozik. Az ilyen főnév elé 'some' kerül, többes számba nem tehető.

some milk

I have some milk. 

Make that 2 apples a day keeps the doctor away | New Hope NetworkPETA India urges Amul to switch to producing vegan milk - India News

Gyakorló feladat:

Hogy lehet válaszolni?

A: HOW MANY apples do you have?      B: HOW MUCH milk do you have?

I have a lot of apples.                                  I have a lot of milk.

I have a few apples.                                     I have a little milk.

I have few apples.                                        I have little milk.



SOME and ANY: 

Kijelentő mondatban a some szót használjuk, ha meg nem határozott mennyiségről beszélünk. Mindkét csoportban használható.

I have SOME bookS. I have SOME milk.   


Kérdésekben, tagadásban a SOME szó helyett ANY-t használunk:

I don't have ANY books. I don't have any milk.

Do you have ANY books? Do you have ANY milk?

Gyakorló feladat:





Egyszerű jelen (Present Simple) alakja

(fenti link még egyszer elmagyarázza a jelen idő használatát)


Present Simple - batenglish---


Kérdések gyakorlása:



Keresztrejtvény: (jobs and family):

New Total English Elementary - Do you know...?



Akasztófa (hangman):

A magyarban is használt szavakat tartalmazó poszt. A zölddel jelölt szavakra klikkelve plusz anyagokat, videókat találunk.


süti beállítások módosítása